Data Intelligence Institute of Paris

The Data Intelligence Institute of Paris (diiP) is an interdisciplinary initiative of Université Paris Cité. It is a laboratory that fosters and supports the emergence of interdisciplinary practices around data science and data intelligence. It gathers researchers from formal sciences, physical sciences, life sciences and social sciences.

“The mission of diiP is to foster a new wave of scientific discoveries by enabling scientists and practitioners to make sense of their large and complex data, and achieve breakthroughs that would not otherwise be possible.”

Prof. Themis Palpanas

Director of diiP


diiP Projects

PhD Scholarships


Several PhD Scholarships (supported by the ANR Data Intensive Artificial Intelligence -DIAI- project) will be offered by diiP (starting on academic year 2021-2022) for students working on interdisciplnary projects on topics related to data intensive artificial intelligence.

Strategic projects


The diiP institute will host and partly finance a small number of interdisciplinary Strategic Projects, of duration up to 12 months each, with the goal to contribute to both the analysis and implementation aspects.

Master’s Internships


The diiP institute will organize and finance several six-month Masters students Internship Projects on data science, in connection to interdisciplinary collaborations.

Prediction of protein-carbohydrate binding sites using deep learning methods

2023Masters Projects@Biology +Computer Science+Mathematics/Statistics+Chemistry+Bioinformatics #protein-carbohydrate interactions#deep learning#structural bioinformatics  Project Summaryto be updated. Tatiana Galochkina  Projects in the same discipline

Tracking auto-immune diseases in electronic health record

2022Masters Projects@Medicine +Mathematics/Statistics+Biology #Rare diseases#Information retrieval#Knowledge graph#NLP#data mining#healthcare databases  Project SummaryThe collection of biomedical data requires a multitude of software tools for purposes ranging from...

Deep learning to model genetic pleiotropy to understand the human genetic architecture

2023Masters Projects@Computer Science +Mathematics/Statistics+Biology #Pleiotropy#Deep Learning#Convolutional neural network  Project Summaryto be updated. Marie Verbanck Projects in the same discipline

Machine Learning for Photometric redshift estimation of LSST galaxies

2023Masters Projects@Physics & Astronomy +Computer Science+Mathematics/Statistics #machine learning#convolutional networks#astrophysics  Project Summaryto be updated. Simona Mei Projects in the same discipline

Generalization of a method enabling to update vineyard geographic databases from satellite data

2023Masters Projects@Computer Science +Earth Sciences/Geosciences #image time series analysis#deep learning#optical satellite imagery#agriculture monitoring#crop type mapping#vineyard#VENUS images Project Summaryto be updated. Camille Kurtz Projects in the same...

Random projections for the reduction of gravitational wave template banks

2022Masters Projects@Physics & Astronomy +Computer Science #gravitational-wave astronomy#data reduction#random projections#optical processing units  Project SummaryThe direct observation of gravitational waves by the LIGO and Virgo detectors is one of the...

Maintaining fairness for decision-making under social considerations

2024 Strategic Projects@Computer Science #Machine Learning#Data Drift#Fairness  Project Summary Machine learning (ML) is increasingly used to make decisions that highly impact applications like hiring, medical diagnosis, education and criminal justice, etc. All of...

Dark energy studies with the Vera Rubin observatory LSST & Euclid-developing a combined cosmic shear analysis with bayesian neural networks

2021PhD/ DIAI Projects@ED 560 : Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement et Physique de l’Univers de Paris (STEP'UP) PhD studentJustine ZEGHAL (AstroParticule & Cosmologie, UPC) SupervisorsEric AUBOURG (APC, UPCAlexandre BOUCAUD (APC, UPC)Cécile ROUCELLE (APC,...

Diffusion Models Based Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation to Reveal Subtle Phenotypes

2023Masters Projects@Computer Science +Mathematics/Statistics+Biology+neurodevelopment #Image-to-image translation#Deep generative models#Diffusion models#Subtle Phenotypes#Neurodevelopment Project SummaryUnpaired image-to-image translation methods aim at learning a...

Enhancing earthquake location with domain adapation

2023Masters Projects@Earth Sciences and Geosciences +Mathematics/Statistics #Domain adaptation#machine and deep learning#volcano-seismology#earthquake catalogs  Project Summaryto be updated. Léonard Seydoux Projects in the same discipline