Activate your Université Paris Cité student account

We ask every student to activate their Université Paris Cité student account if they wish to access our various digital services (online courses, Université Paris Cité email, webnotes, etc.)

There are several steps to activating your account:

Step 1 | Activate your account 
Step 2 |
Set your password
Step 3 | Change your password and/or your back-up email*
Step 4 | Ask for help*

* If absolutely necessary

Your account can only be activated once you have received an email asking you to activate your account. You will be sent this email within 24 hours of registering with our administrative services.

Step 1 | Activate your Université Paris Cité account
  • Sign in using the URL:
  • Enter your private email* and then click on “Confirm”
    Accept the terms required to activate your account
    You will then receive a Université Paris Cité account activation confirmation email asking you to set your password.

* This must be the one you gave when you registered with our administrative services. It is also the email on which you received the request to activate your Université Paris Cité account.

Step 2 | Set your password
  • Click on the one-time-only link provided in the Université Paris Cité account activation confirmation email
  • Set your password (minimum: 8 characters, 2 letters and 1 digit)
  • Click on “Save”
Step 3 |Change your password and/or your back-up email

Change your password

  • Sign in using the URL:
  • Click on “Forgot Password”
  • Enter your back-up email* in the appropriate field
  • Click on the “Reset Password” button
    You will receive an email explaining the reset password procedure described below

    • Click on the one-time-only link provided in your Université Paris Cité account’s reset password email
    • Set your new password (minimum: 8 characters, 2 letters and 1 digit)
    • Click on “Save”

* This is the one you used to activate your Université Paris Cité account (if you have not changed it).

Change your back-up email

Step 4 |Ask for help

Have you followed all the procedures described above, to find that your account is still not active?
Ask for help through the Contact centre

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Meet our Circle U. Ambassadors

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