Further to the international jury’s visit in September 2021, the January 20 hearing of the university’s delegation and its partners from Inserm and CNRS, the Prime Minister has announced the permanent labeling of Université Paris Cité as an Initiative of Excellence.
The university has thus established itself as one of France’s centres of excellence in intensive research and education. It has rapidly positioned itself as a major multidisciplinary research university with leading scientific strengths in the fields of health and biomedical sciences, earth sciences, mathematics, physics, and the humanities and social sciences, as illustrated by international scientific rankings such as Shanghai and Leiden.
“We are very happy and proud of this decision, which recognizes the investment and work of our entire community over several years. Obtaining the IdEx is not an end in itself, but an important step in our transformation and development project. We have created a university of excellence, with a strong interdisciplinary identity, which is now much more than the sum of its founding members,” explains Christine Clerici, president of the university.
This recognition provides the foundation and the means to pursue the deployment of its transformational strategy. It is also a catalyst for increasing its international visibility and for that of French higher education and research.
“In less than four years, we have made progress beyond the commitments of our IdEx. We can look forward to the future with enthusiasm and confidence. We would like to thank the international jury, the Prime Minister and the French government for their confidence, as well as our partners for their support and all those, staff and students, who bring the university to life on a daily basis.” Christine Clerici, president of the university, adds.
In March 2022, a new strategic action plan will be launched. It will be based on the perpetuated IdEx grants and the additional funding awarded in the framework of the French Government’s Investment for the Future Programme of which Université Paris Cité has been the recipient in recent years.
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