
Linguistics strives to identify the common properties of languages by studying their formal properties, their history, their diversity, their learning, and their pathologies. The UFR de Linguistique (UFRL) offers training in linguistics (Sciences du langage SDL) at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels.

Bachelor’s Degrees


 We offer the third year of a bachelor in linguistics (in French Licence 3 or L3 for short), divided into three distinct programs:

  • Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics,
  • French as a Foreign Language
  • Computational Linguistics.

It is possible to access the L3 after two years of higher education. Without waiting for the L3, it is possible to discover linguistics by taking the “bilicence lettres et sciences du langage” or by taking discovery courses in L1 and L2.

Master’s Degrees in Linguistics

The UFR de Linguistique – Grands Moulins campus offers five master programs in linguistics:

  • Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics (Linguistique Théorique et Expérimentale – LTE)
  • Computational Linguistics (Linguistique Informatique – LI)
  • Linguistics Applied to the Didactics of French as a Foreign Language (LADFLE)
  • East Asian Linguistics and FLE Didactics (LAOFLE)
  • Phonetics and Phonology (Phi&Phi)

The master is part of the Paris Graduate School of Linguistics (PGSL)


Master in Cognitive Science

The CogSUP Master’s in Cognitive Science is a joint program of Université Paris Cité and Sorbonne Université.
The Master is taught in English and comprises six tracks: Psychology, Neurosciences, Computational Neurosciences and AI, Computational Linguistics and AI, Cognitive Science and Society, Philosophy, which are mainly run by the Biomedical UFR at Université Paris Cité. The Linguistics UFR is home to the Computational Linguistics and AI program, which is part of the Paris Graduate School of Linguistics (PGSL)



Research groups at Université Paris Cité work on all aspects of language, from theoretical to applied linguistics. For PhDs in linguistics, most students enroll in the doctoral program at the doctoral school in linguistics (ED 622). Some students enroll in other doctoral schools, such as ED 474 (FIRE) or ED 386 (Mathematics and Computer Science of Central Paris). The PhD program within the doctoral school ED 622 covers the following disciplinary fields of linguistics:

  • Theoretical, descriptive and experimental linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics
  • Computational linguistics
  • Linguistic typology, diversity of languages
  • History and epistemology of language sciences
  • French as a foreign language