
Le département de simulation est aussi un centre de recherche médicale et de recherche en pédagogie par les méthodes de simulation. La plateforme accueille et accompagne des chercheurs de tout horizon (Masters, post-doc, etc.).

Projets scientifiques 

Projet de recherche de simulation en psychiatrie 2017 - en cours

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Responsable : Dr Marie-Aude PIOT

Effectiveness of simulation in psychiatry for initial and continuing training of healthcare professionals: protocol for a systematic review.
Piot MA, Dechartres A, Guerrier G, Lemogne C, Layat-Burn C, Falissard B, Tesniere A.
BMJ Open. 2018 Jul 11;8(7):le 021012.

Projet de recherche de simulation en anesthésie-réanimation - 2019

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Responsable : Dr Daphné Michelet

● Perioperative laryngospasm management in paediatrics: a high-fidelity simulation study.
Michelet D, Truchot J, Piot MA, Drummond D, Ceccaldi PF, Plaisance P, Tesniere A, Dahmani S.
BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. Jul 2019, 5 (3) 161-166

Projet de serious game 2017 - 2019

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Responsable : Dr David DRUMMOND

Fixed versus variable practice for teaching medical students the management of pediatric asthma exacerbations using simulation.
Drummond D, Truchot J, Fabbro E, Ceccaldi PF, Plaisance P, Tesnière A, Hadchouel A. Eur J.Pediatr.
2018 Feb;177(2):211-219.

Serious game versus online course for pre training medical students before a simulation-based mastery learning course on cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A randomised controlled study.
Drummond D, Delval P, Abdenouri S, Truchot J, Ceccaldi PF, Plaisance P, Hadchouel A, Tesnière A. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2017 Dec;34(12):836-844

Projet de recherche Mac Coy 2017 - 2019

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Responsable : Dr Jessy BARRÉ

Benefits of Screen-Based Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulation on Nontechnical Skills Training: A Randomized Simulation Study. Michelet D, Barré J, Job A, Truchot J, Cabon P, Delgoulet C, Tesnière A.
Simul Healthc. 2019 Dec;14(6):391-397

Virtual Reality Single-Port Sleeve Gastrectomy Training Decreases Physical and Mental Workload in Novice Surgeons: An Exploratory Study.
Barré J, Michelet D, Truchot J, Jolivet E, Recanzone T, Stiti S, Tesnière A, Pourcher G. Obes
Surg. 2019 Apr;29(4):1309-1316.

Does Repeated Exposure to Critical Situations in a Screen-Based Simulation Improve the Self-Assessment of Non-Technical Skills in Postpartum Hemorrhage Management?
Barré J, Michelet D, Job A, Truchot J, Cabon P, Delgoulet C, Tesnière A.
Simulation & Gaming, Feb 2019 ; vol. 50, 2: pp. 102-123.

Effect of Computer Debriefing on Acquisition and Retention of Learning After Screen-Based Simulation of Neonatal Resuscitation: Randomized Controlled Trial.
Michelet D, Barre J, Truchot J, Piot MA, Cabon P, Tesniere A. JMIR
Serious Games. 2020 Aug 11;8(3):e18633

Projet de recherche de simulation en médecine d’urgence 2018 - 2020

Décrire le projet 

Responsable : Dr Jennifer TRUCHOT

Randomized controlled trials of simulation-based interventions in Emergency Medicine : a methodological review.
Chauvin A, Truchot J, Bafeta A, Pateron D, Plaisance P, Yordanov Y. Intern Emerg Med. 2018

● Point of care simulation: towards new pragmatic simulation training.
Truchot J. Eur J Emerg
Med. 2020 Apr;27(2):79-80

Autres projets de recherche en simulation 2018 - 2019

Implementation of a novel synchronous multi-site all day high-fidelity simulation.
Abraham P, Verdonk F, Buleon C, Tesniere A, Lilot M.
Adv Simul (Lond). 2018 Feb 13;3:2.

Health Care Simulation in Developing Countries and Low-Resource Situations.
Martinerie L, RasoaHerinomenjanahary F, Ronot M, Fournier P, Dousset B, Tesnière A, Mariette C, Gaujoux S, Gronnier C. J Contin Educ Health Prof.
2018 Summer;38(3):205-212.

EACVI communication paper: first international young dedicated multimodal cardiovascular imaging simulation education event organized by the ESC.
Pezel T, Coisne A, Mahmoud-Elsayed H, Mandoli GE, Elgamal SM, Podlesnikar T, Cameli M, Grapsa J, Lafitte S, Edvardsen T, Donal E, Dreyfus J.
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2019 Dec 13. pii: jez 299.

Modalités de participation

Nous accueillons des stagiaires en M2 ou en doctorat au sein de notre plateforme pour des stages de 6 mois et plus. Si vous êtes en recherche d’un terrain de stage, écrivez-nous !


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