As part of the partnership between Université Paris Cité and the National University of Singapore (NUS), a new call for pedagogical innovation projects is launched. Apply by May 15th.
French partners in the call: Inalco, Sciences Po, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Ined
© National University of Singapore
Designed to foster new collaborations in higher education and research between Europe and Southeast Asia, since 2013, the Paris-NUS calls for proposals has funded several joint research initiatives, international doctoral student mobility and innovative projects in higher education.
Target Audience
Faculty members in all disciplines
The goal of the Innovative Projects in Higher Education call is to implement innovative collaborations in the field of education between Université Paris Cité and the National University of Singapore (NUS).
Eligibility Criteria
The call is open to faculty members from all disciplines. Projects must be led jointly by full-time faculty members from NUS and the French partners given the collaboration should be across institutions. Priority will be given to projects related to environmental and digital transitions. To find out more, please see the terms and conditions here.
Why apply ?
This call provides funding to bring ideas to life that could not otherwise be implemented. This is an excellent opportunity to foster international collaboration, pedagogical innovation, the development of new teaching methods, programmes, and technologies that benefit students as well as institutions by having a positive impact on higher education. Through the development of innovative and sustainable educational initiatives, these projects will strengthen long-term partnerships between NUS and its French partners. This funding also opens up opportunities for external funding and future collaborations for the teams involved.
How to apply ?
All the information about the call is detailed in the application form. Please complete the joint application form.
Proposals must be submitted by May 15th 2023
Dr. Mariana LOSADA, Programme Director
For more information on Paris-NUS
Mooc “Governing Diverse Cities in Europe and Asia”
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